Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Supreme Court Review

  1. One thing I didn’t know about the Supreme Court that I found to be very interesting is that they receive over 100 cases every week which is about 7,000 a year. I wasn’t aware that there was that many cases that would reach the supreme court. Its interesting to see how many don’t actually get chosen as well.
  2. I think the most important take away is how non-biased the Supreme Court really is. These people do everything in their power to defend the constitution and keep our country in order. Its important for them to do this because if not there would be no order in the country and no set of rules. 
  3. What is surprising to me is the approval process. They only select about 100 a year out of the 7,000. I find this surprising because that means a lot of cases are going on that are considered to be “incorrect” which I think is very unfair. 
  4. After watching the videos I learned a lot about the Supreme Court. I always knew what it was but I never understood how it functioned. Its interesting to see the way the justices work together and the process of a case moving through the court. 

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