Sunday, November 28, 2021

Blog 5 Sensorship

As class we know exactly why we have never heard of these websites or heard these voices. That is because of the Sedition Act of 1861 which made it a crime to criticize the government. This was the same year the Civil War started and journalists began to speak out against the war. The government didn't like this so they passed the act. Even though this was created in 1861 we still see this today especially with the websites linked here. The government will purposely make it difficult for you to find people with these opinions online. The government pairing up with technology companies such as Apple, Google, etc. can cause this making the internet unfair. This country claims to not have sensor-ship but its very ironic that some things are easier to find than others. Part of our Democracy is to have your own opinion and to be allowed to express your thoughts but we aren't always allowed to do that according to this issue. 

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