Sunday, December 12, 2021

AI In Society

    This documentary was very alarming to watch. It's scary yet interesting to see how AI is going to change our society and already is. In the first story, they discussed how China is changing the world of facial recognition. The new technologies have these systems recognizing people at lightning speeds. China is putting these facial recognition systems on the streets to catch people for jaywalking. Fines for jaywalking aren't cheap either. It can recognize a person from far away even if the image is slightly blurry. They're also putting these systems in food establishments to pay for your meals. Soon, face recognition will be used everywhere. In a way this is very helpful to our society. It's convenient in some ways incase you forget your wallet or for safety reasons. It's easier to keep things more secure and can keep others from viewing bank accounts, passwords, your phone etc. The negative side of this can be the lack of privacy. Knowing that at any point while you're out in public a camera can access your face and your identity can be scary. This gives tech companies and the government the ability to know a lot about us just by scanning our face on a camera. In terms of security, I think this is revolutionary. With all these advancements security is a lot more secure.

nother strong negative of the new AI advancements is the job displacement. Because these systems are so smart and are able to do most things humans can, a lot of jobs are being replaced by AI. This is becoming a problem for white collar jobs. Although this is not a white collar job we're seeing this problem especially in the truck driving industry. Embark is a company created by a young CEO engineer who created a self driving truck. This has become an issue for the truck drivers because they will soon loose their jobs due to the advancements of this industry. 

    The pros of AI other than the security is in the health industry. Doctors are working to create AI systems that can detect early signs of breast cancer. This is huge for the breast cancer community because they can catch the cancer before it spreads while it is still in the treatable stages. 
    Overall, I think AI is something we need to look out for and as a society keep it under control. We also need to appreciate the technology advancements thus far because there are a lot of positive things that AI is doing for the world that we cant look past. 

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